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Cochrane District Services Board

Timmins Care Cochrane District Social Services Administration Board (CDSSAB) logo featuring a house with a red cross and child and adult figures. Cochrane District Social Services Administration Board

Sector: Housing, Healthcare, Administrative, Community Service, JEDI, Children’s Services

Website: https://cdsb.care

Contact:  Joanne Kennedy, Kapuskasing Area Manager

Phone: Toll Free: 800-588-4443 | Local: 705-335-3435

Location: 6 Ash St., ON  P5N 2C8

Under the Child Care and Early Years Act, the Cochrane District Services Board, Children’s Services Department manages the funding for the provision of a variety of programs.If you need financial assistance for food and housing, and are in financial need, you can apply for financial and employment assistance through Ontario Works.Ontario Works offers: Money to help you and your eligible family members with living expenses, including food, and rent. Health benefits for you and your eligible family members. Employment supports to help you find and keep a job (such as workshops for resume writing, job counselling, job-specific training and basic education) If you are eligible for Ontario Works, the amount of money you get will depend on your specific situation. In most cases, you must participate in employment-related activities to receive financial help. Northern Treasures is a home based child care program operated by the Cochrane District Services Board since 2004. Child Care is provided within the caregiver’s home. The home is inspected to meet health and safety requirements. Providers must be 18 years of age or older and are carefully screened and selected to offer a safe, nurturing learning environment. The provider is limited to small groups of six (or less) children and not more than two children under the age of two. They plan developmentally appropriated play based activities and provide meals and snacks following the guidelines as set out by Canada’s Food Guide. You may often hear the term “DSSAB” within our community. DSSAB stands for District Social Services Administration Board. A special agency created by the Province and given the responsibilities to deliver Social Services within the community. These were created, in the north, where there is no existing municipal government with the legal jurisdiction to act as a Service Manager.

Funding source: Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Municipality-based contribution from Tax Levy.

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